Stay up to date on the latest studio information!
Happy March LGSPA Family!
We hope your year is off to a great start! Below are important dates and information for this upcoming month.
Popcorn Fundraiser ends on March 8th! Don't forget to tell your friends and family or place your own order to help students pay for costumes this year.
Costume measurements for Looking Good will be the first two weeks of March. March 1st-March 14th. If your student misses classes during this week, please contact us to get their measurements taken asap. We will be placing costume orders as early as March 15th. (Not including Acting Students. See below for Actors)
Costume payments will be taken out of your account on March 15th. If you need extra time to make your payments please speak with Miss Lieren. All costumes MUST be paid for before recital in June. Anyone who has participated in the Popcorn Fundraiser will have their earnings accounted for toward their costume payments prior to March 15th.
We will still be open on St. Patricks Day, March 17th.
Kinder-Theatre ONLY: If you want to sign up for the Looking Good Father/Daughter Dance you MUSTdo so by March 14th.
Kinder-Theatre ONLY: Observation Week will be held March 15th through March 21st. Observation Week is when we allow parents to sit inside the classroom to get a closer look at how we run class. Only TWO adults will be allowed to observe the class from inside. NO children in the classroom that are not in the class will be allowed to sit with you. We allowed some extra children the last time we held this and it was too distracting for the students taking class.
Please remember that if your student is going to miss class and you would like to take advantage of our make up classes, you MUST log into your parent portal and mark them absent before the class ends. If you do not mark them absent on your end you will not be able to use that missed class as a make up.
If you haven't done so already, go onto your App Store and download our studio App. Search "LGSPA" in your App Store and it will pop right up. It will make accessing your parent portal and everything so much easier!
Calling All Actors! If you're looking for something for your student to do during the summer, we will be performing a straight play of Alice in Wonderland in August. Rehearsals will be during July and August and Auditions will be held in May. We welcome ages 5 and over. More information regarding auditions and rehearsals will be provided at a later date.
For the Actors: We know right now there is a lot of information going out about our Dance Recital and we want you to know we haven't forgotten about our Actors! Mrs. Sam is working with our acting classes on film work at this time and they will be filming a few different pieces later this session. We will also be taking some actors to the Grove School Country Fair again this year on May 17th. Be on the look out for Mrs. Sam to tell your students who will be performing and what they will be doing.
Thank you for being a part of our Studio Family and we look forward to seeing where the future leads us!
Happy February
Here is what you need to know going into the month.
Registration for our Looking Good recital MUST be completed by February 8th. After February 8th, you will see the registration cost on your account. You may go onto your account at any time after that and pay the registration fee, or you can wait and it will come out with March tuition. Click the link below to register if you have not done so already.
If you have not done so yet, please take a few moments to go onto your App Store on your phone and download our Studio App! Search "LGSPA" and it will be the only option. We have received nothing but good feedback from everyone who has downloaded it. It will make your life so much easier when trying to access your account information or looking up studio information! You can also handle schedule absences and make-up classes from the app as well as enrolling in new classes.
There is still room to join us for the Valentines Dance on Sunday, February 16th from 1pm-3pm at Studio B. This event is geared towards students age 3-9. Feel free to invite friends to sign up with their Valentine. Call or email the studio to sign up. $15/person.
The studio will be CLOSED Monday, Feb. 17th for President's day. If you have a class on Monday, you can log into your parent portal and mark the student absent in advance, or you can wait and we will mark them absent and you can then go on and schedule a make-up class.
Opener/Closer Rehearsals start for Group 1 February 28th. Rehearsals will be at Studio B from 6pm-7pm. Please remember if you are committing to be in Opener/Closer then you are also committing to attend the 66er games.
Our Popcorn Fundraiser, to help you pay for costumes, starts on February 22nd and goes for 2 weeks. It will end on March 8th. You are not required to participate, however it is nice to get some of the cost of performance taken care of. If you would like to participate, please select the link below and sign up. However much you earn individually will go towards your costume fees. If you earn over the amount you owe for costumes, you can donate the rest to a student/family in need of assistance, or to the studio to help us with our next expansion. Once costumes are finalized by the teachers, we will be sending you the information with the price. The costume fees will be added to your account and payment for them will be due on March 15th. If you participate in the fundraiser, please do not make any costume payments until the amount from the fundraiser has been applied to your account.
Kinder-Theatre ONLY: Sign up for the Father/Daughter dance to be performed at ourLooking Good recital! Rehearsals will be Sundays June 1, 8, & 22nd at Studio B from 11am-12pm and Saturday June 14th at Studio B 12pm-1pm. This is an extra dance for your daughter which will require an additional costume. Dads should plan to dress in their "Sunday Best" and will be required to volunteer backstage for the Saturday afternoon performance, which is the only performance this dance will be featured. We also ask that the dads be at Dress rehearsal to practice. Sign up by May 15th. There is no cost for the dads to perform in this show.
We added an additional Adult Ballet class on Thursday's at Studio B from 8:15pm-9:15pm with Miss Lieren. We know this is late, however the class has reached its max on Wednesdays at Studio A and we wanted to offer an additional option. Please note that we need at least 5 students in a class to keep it running. If you sign up for the class we will advise you when it is starting and you will not be charged until that time.
Unfortunately, due to low enrollment, we have had to cancel our Pilates class with Mrs. Kate.
Exciting things are happening for our Acting students! While our actors will not be participating in our annual dance recital, they will be spending the next 6 months or so learning film acting techniques! They will be working towards filming some things and our plan is to make it as professional as possible and play it on the movie screen at the local movie theatre! So keep an eye and ear out for when that will be.
Run Through Redlands Volunteer Opportunity! For the last few years we have volunteered by handing water to the runners as they pass by us for Run Through Redlands. We need at least 6 volunteers to help us make this happen again! Anyone is welcome to join (better if the student is 5 years or older) and if anyone needs volunteer hours for school this is a great opportunity! This takes place Sunday, March 2nd and it will be an early morning event. We usually start setting up around 7am and are done before 10am. Please email or tell Miss Lieren if you would like to volunteer with us this year!
February is going to be great! We will see you all in class!
Happy New Year!
We hope everyone had an amazing and restful holiday season! We are ready to get back into the studio and get the new year started. Below are important dates and information for the upcoming year.
Holiday Closures
The studio will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 20th and President's Day on Monday, February 17th. You can go on your parent portal and schedule those as absences and then schedule a make-up class. Or you can wait for the holiday to happen and then you will be able to schedule a make-up class.
Valentine's Dance
We will be holding our 3rd annual Valentine's Dance on Sunday, February 16th from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Studio B for Fathers & Daughters, Mothers & Sons, or anyone special in your students life. There will be crafts, snacks, dancing, and a photographer. Only one adult may accompany each student(s). There is a fee of $15/person. Sign-ups are at the front desk at Studio A and we can apply the fee to your account. Hurry and sign up soon because space is limited to 50 people.
"Looking Good 2025"
Our annual Looking Good recital is in the works! Informational meetings for recital details and anyone wanting to volunteer backstage will be held Saturday, January 18th & 25th at 10:30am to 11:30am held at Studio A. We STRONGLY suggest any parents of new students or students that have not been part of a Looking Good show before attend one of these meetings. Show dates and times are as follows:
All Call Dress Rehearsal - Friday June 27th (Call time details TBA)
Juniors/Teens/Adults ONLY - Saturday June 28th 1:00pm Show
Kinder-Theatre ONLY - Saturday June 28th 4:00pm Show
Juniors/Teens/Adults ONLY - Saturday June 28th 6:30pm Show
EVERYONE - Sunday June 29th 1:30pm Show
Location: Redlands East Valley High School (31000 E Colton Ave, Redlands, CA 92374)
All students participating in "Looking Good 2025" MUST be registered by Saturday, February 8th. To register, click on the link below and fill out the form completely.
Performance Registration Fee Packages
We have 2 performance registration options. You will select which option you prefer when registering through the google form above. The selected registration fee will then be added to your account. All performance registration fees are due by February 28th and are non-refundable.
Basic performance fee - $50 per performer - registers your student for the recital
Premium performance fee - $100 per performer - registers your student for the recital and includes a "Looking Good 2025" t-shirt and 2 $20 ticket vouchers. (Ticket vouchers will be provided closer to ticket release date)
Kinder-Theatre Performance Opportunity
We are adding a fun and new performance opportunity for our KT students this year. We will be having a Father-Daughter routine at the Saturday KT only show! In lieu of an additional registration fee, all Dad's performing will be required to volunteer backstage during the Saturday KT performance. Dad’s will also be required to be present for Dress Rehearsal. Sign up sheets will be at both studios and will close May 15th. Rehearsals will take place Sundays June 1, 8, & 22 at Studio B from 11am-12:00pm as well as Saturday June 14th at Studio B from 12pm-1pm. Dads will be required to dress in their "Sunday best" for the performance and you will be dancing with your daughter.
Opener/Closer Performance Group
Students wishing to participate in our Opener/Closer must be 7 or older and must be enrolled in at least one dance class to be in Group 1 and must be enrolled in 2 or more dance classes to be in Group 2. The styles for these routines will consist of jazz, lyrical, and original choreography from dances to the songs. Please note that students groups are chosen based off of skill and not age. There is an additional $50, non-refundable performance fee per student due February 28th.
Group 1 will be the Beginner/Intermediate students.
Group 2 will be the Intermediate/Advanced students.
Rehearsals will be Fridays from 6pm-7pm. See the schedule below per group.
Group 1: Feb 28th, March 14th, March 28th, April 11th, May 2nd, May 9th, May 16th, May 30th, June 6th, June 13th, June 20th
Group 2: March 7th, March 21st, March 28th, April 4th, April 25th, May 9th, May 23rd, June 6th, June 13th, June 20th
It is our intention to take these dances to perform at the 66ers games on May 10th and June 14th. More details to come.
Recital Costumes
We do our best to keep the cost of costumes as low as possible. Please plan on each costume being between $50-$85. We will not know the cost of each costume until later in January/early February. Costume payments will be due by March 15th. If you need to set up a payment plan, please contact Miss Lieren. Like last year, we will be holding a popcorn fundraiser to support recital costume costs. We plan on having the fundraiser take place February 22nd - March 8th, so mark your calendars and be on the look out for more details.
Individual and Class Recital Photos
Full dress individual and class recital photos will be held on June 7th. Location and time to be determined. If anyone has a photographer they know who would be interested, please have them contact Miss Lieren.
We look forward to seeing you all back in classes this week and can't wait for the exciting year ahead! Thank you being a part of our studio family!