Information on our Looking Good 2025

Looking glass studio fitness classes

Looking Glass Studio is excited to branch out into the fitness world. We will be starting this journey with Rebounding Classes. Don’t know what Rebounding is? Take a look below…


What is Rebounding?

Rebounding refers to exercising while jumping on a mini trampoline. The exercise method can boost your heart health, strengthen your muscles, and improve your balance while protecting your bones and joints


What does Rebounding do for your body?

The act of rebounding works every muscle of the body; it is a true total body workout which improves your muscle-to-fat ratio. It can reduce cellulite (yes, read that again), and burn calories fast. Rebounding aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system acts as your body's internal vacuum cleaner. Jumping boosts metabolism and improves resting metabolic rate so you can burn calories long after a workout.


Class Days and Times

Classes will be held at our Studio A location







Classes are $12 each class. You can call the studio ahead of time to ensure there is a spot available as there are only 4 spots open.

Benefits of Rebounding:

  • Releases Lactic Acid

    • Working out creates lactate, which can be converted into energy, but after exercising can be left behind and turned into lactic acid.

  • Supports Pelvic Floor

    • Women often experience weakened pelvic floor muscles after childbirth. Also true for men with bladder or bowel problems, heavy lifting and even constipation can also lead to pelvic floor issues. Rebounding activated your pelvic floor as you bounce.

  • Increases Oxygen and Blood Flow

    • Aerobic exercise increases oxygen flow and improves lung capacity.

  • Decreases Joint Pain

    • Rebounding offers soft and gentle bounce that has very low impact on your knees and joints which reduces everyday aches and pains.

  • Lower Risk of Heart Disease

    • Exercising in general can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

  • Boosts Lymphatic System

    • Your lymphatic system is your body’s trashcan. Rebounding enables you to release toxins as it stimulates the lymphatic system and helps keep your body healthy.

  • Stabilizes Hip Joints

    • With rebounding, the muscles in the hips become stronger and more flexible while the brief absence of gravity and low-impact nature of the exercise alleviate the pressure on the joint. Therefore, pressure on the joint is eased, which stabilizes the hip joint and improves mobility.

Keep an eye and ear out for our next venture which will be Bungee Fitness!

In October 2023, Ms. Joy and Miss Lieren went to Oklahoma to get certified to teach Bungee Fitness. It was a blast and we can’t wait to bring this fun, new form of fitness to the Redlands community.